Young Leaders Program (YLP)

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Aim of YLP
The aim of YLP, is to build confidence of the young leaders (between age 15 to 35) within the African and the BME communities of Greater Manchester to aspire for leadership positions in politics, health economy, education, local authorities, been active in communities and also to develop capacity to create and lead businesses that will help contribute to the economy of Greater Manchester.

Objectives of YLP
I. To train young leaders from the African and BME background on leadership development through workshops, seminars and group training events and individual mentorship.
II. To collaborate and work with partner organisations to identify opportunities for volunteering, lay memberships, Apprenticeships, placements etc, In the community for trained leaders of the YLP, to enhance employment opportunities and active contribution of the young leaders in supporting the community development agenda of the local authority.
III. To generate research data that will help partners support their overall strategic objectives.
Benefits of YLP